Adult & Adolescent Classes

2024 - 2025 schedule

Class Tuition: Payment for these year-long programs will be split by semester. 

Semester 1 (September 9 – December 20)

Semester 2 (January 6 – May 16)

Plus a yearly supply fee of $50.

Monthly payments and partial scholarships are available! APPLY NOW!


Payment plans can be worked out according to what is best for each family either my month or by semester. Email or text Rebecca if you have specific payment plan needs.


$500 per SEMESTER plus yearly $50 supply fee


$125 per MONTH plus yearly $50 supply fee


Middle & high school music skills

  • Meets once a week for 1 hour and 30 minutes
  • Depending on the number of registrants, classes will be split by beginning and more experienced students.

This singing-based Kodály curriculum is used in many elite music conservatories of Europe, and throughout the world. With discovery learning as a foundation, the curriculum utilizes hands-on activities, folk songs, and music of the great composers to joyfully build and refine foundational music skills at a middle and high school level.

Music theory and skills boring? Not in this class! This curriculum will help take the mystery and confusion out of music literacy. Students will develop skills in singing, sight singing, music theory, music history, and music literacy. This is a foundational class and the skills and knowledge gained here can be applied to all aspects of music whether vocal or instrumental. Now is the time for your children to succeed!



Have you struggled to understand how to read written music? Do you have a nice voice, or play an instrument decently well by ear, but written music is a mystery to you? Are you trying to improve your sight singing skills? Are you preparing for an important audition or do you get passed by after auditions because your sight reading is not what it “should” be? Have you taken music theory classes that only left you more confused than when you started? Do you want to improve your aural listening skills? Do you find it difficult to be musically independent or hold your own part when someone next to you is doing something different?  Do you feel there are holes in your understanding or weaknesses in your musicianship that you would like to improve? If you say yes to any of these questions, then this is the class for you! 

This musicianship class is designed to help any musician who wants to improve as a whole musician including but not limited to the following: 

  • Understanding how to read and write music
  • Improving upon sight singing, listening, and aural skills
  • Understanding music theory (which is not so mysterious after all)
  • Developing musical independence.


Do you want to improve your ability to sing beautifully and in-tune? Do you have tension or experience frequent vocal fatigue?  Do you desire to sing in harmony but struggle to know how? Do you rely on the person singing next to you and struggle to sing independently? Do you feel you are beyond help or you somehow missed the line where they hand out beautiful singing voices? If you say yes to any of these, there is hope… Chances are you just need more effective experience and training, so this class is for you! 

My deepest passion as a teacher is working with those who think they cannot sing, and I joy in their success when they learn they CAN!

Group Voice Class is designed to help improve your singing whether alone or in a group. Through these coaching sessions, special attention is given to relaxed, supported, stress free, in-tune, beautiful “core sound” singing. The great news is, no one is beyond help… everyone can learn and improve their singing!
