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registration is
open for fall 2024!

Registration will remain open until classes fill up. 

Please join us and add engaging music classes to your schedule!

EXPERIENCE our music classes before committing?

To sign up for one free class, please email Rebecca at theartfulmusician@gmail.com to set up a time. Email with any questions!

Class Sizes will be limited for greater personalized instruction and are filled on a first-come-first-serve basis. If a class is full, it will be listed on the website and on the registration form. JOIN THE WAITLIST.

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Our Mission
The Artful Musician singing-based music school inspires
participants of all ages to gain confidence in their musical
ability and encourages family music activities in the home.
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Several of my children, ranging in ages from 6-15, participated in music classes taught by Rebecca this past summer. They all enjoyed the classes and learned a lot. They sang songs from other cultures and in different languages. They told stories through songs. They learned dances. They ended with a wonderful performance where they showcased everything they learned. It was a very enriching musical experience for all of us! Rebecca is very knowledgeable and professional and knows how to teach children in a fun and expert way. I highly recommend The Artful Musician!

Joy Fair


My daughters, age 8 and 12, loved getting to be in the summer music program! Each day they looked forward to going to class, singing fun songs, and learning dances. They loved every minute, and they were excited to share what they had learned with us during the final presentation! It was great to watch and hear them enjoying music, experiencing new cultures, and feeling proud of what they had accomplished in such a short time!

Jenn Maffei


We heard about Mrs. M's new class just before it started its first summer session. Our kids were already involved in activities for the summer, but Mrs. M's music skills are of a caliber that this was an opportunity not to be missed. Still, for a first class for young kids (early grade school) I expected little more than the usual songs I knew, a bit of Do-Re-Mi, and good music basics. I was so excited the first day they came home singing multiple verses of a song I had never heard before (a traditional African greeting song), which clearly wasn't the basic "Twinkle Twinkle" kind of song that all kids seem to know. This continued through each day of the camp, and at the final recital/program it was amazing to see how much music they, along with an older class, had learned. Not only were songs learned, but the history behind songs was conveyed, which our kids then relayed to us each day, helping the children appreciate the basis for songs from musicals, as well as traditional songs from around the world. It seems that Mrs. M believes children naturally can learn music, that music is part of who we (all people) are, and her experience and skills make her able to accomplish tasks with kids in a couple weeks that I probably could never do, despite my background in music. The final program also included an activity for families involving a traditional maypole, which I was sure would be fun, but I did not expect it to actually work; once again Mrs. M's confidence in the children and their families paid off as the maypole was wrapped, and then just to show it could be done, unwrapped by group effort following old traditions. If you have the opportunity to enroll yourself or those you love, with or without music ability, in Mrs. M's class, you will not be disappointed. She loves music, loves teaching it, and believes that people of all ages can find joy in musical expression, and that is what she facilitates, bringing out abilities others may not know they have.

Holly Burgemeister


The Artful Musician music school is the creation of Rebecca McLaughlin, who believes that everyone is intrinsically musical, something her considerable experience as a licensed music teaching professional has consistently demonstrated. Through her legendary versatility as a teaching musician, Mrs. McLaughlin has nurtured and developed the musical potential of hundreds of children, adolescents and adults during the past two-and-a-half decades. Thus far in her career, she has served as a public school music educator, choral director, music teacher administrator, vocal health coach, music specialist certification course director for BYU Continuing Education, and a member of the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. Rebecca’s work is widely admired by other music teaching professionals because of her ability to inspire individual confidence through her humane and positive teaching.

Dr. Jerry L. Jaccard (BMusEd, MME, EdD)

BYU Professor Emeritus | President, International Kodály Society
